Tuesday, May 25, 2021

A Jewish Poem

Normally I keep the tone of this Blog, even when discussing something serious, lighthearted. I can’t do that this time. I’ve been holding in plenty of anxiety and frustration these last few weeks, something I alluded to last time, and now I have to release it for my own sanity. In looking for inspiration for doing so, I’ve cribbed from Anna Akana. Specifically, her video “6 Asian Women Have Been Murdered”. You’ll see where I’m going with this.

Here goes:

Antisemitism’s up 400%. I say that with anguish.

Antisemitism’s up 400%. I say that with pain and frustration.

Antisemitism’s up 400%. I say that not as a parrot of an ADL statistic, but as a Jew.

Antisemitism’s up 400%. I can’t begin to state how much that worries me, how much that makes me afraid. I can’t begin to tell you how fearful I’ve been to wear a Kippah openly, be it at work or on a walk, lest I experience harassment.

Antisemitism’s up 400%. And with that, memories of past trauma flood back into the recesses of my mind. Memories of BDS rallies, and how it was uncomfortable being a Jew during Israel Apartheid Week. How the Hillel room in my alma mater’s student centre was stormed as angry protestors shouted profanity at the Jews inside. And how I sat through a BDS vote in my 5th year, listening to Jews defend themselves while being singled out as Hasbara props. I’m still bitter about that.

Antisemitism’s up 400%. And with that, memories of more recent trauma flood back into the recesses of my mind. Memories of Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour leadership in England, and how he brought the country’s Jew-hatred to the surface. How bigots popped up constantly in his shadow cabinet, only to be removed them under the pretence of “doing better”. How 84% of British Jewry was criticized for pointing out their concern, mentioning that “it’s not as bad as the Tories” despite that not being relevant. And how British Jewry was hand-waved for “whitewashing Palestinian rights”.

Antisemitism’s up 400%. I can’t begin to tell you how many people have called me a bigot for being a Zionist, and stated that I invented my connection to Israel to justify evil. Why would I lie about that?

Antisemitism’s up 400%. I remember hearing about “the brainwashing of Jewish organizations to get youth passionate about Zionism”. I remember the claims about those kids who risked their safety and lives to visit Palestinians on Birthright, and all without telling anyone. It wasn’t on their own dime, so why were they upset about getting into trouble? Did they not know Palestinian-friendly Israel trips exist for anyone interested in them?

Antisemitism’s up 400%. I can’t even begin describing what people claim Jews in Israel do for power. How they bribe American politicians. How they vote in favour of Netanyahu’s policies, despite Israelis hating him more than everyone else. How they “use the Antisemitism card to justify apartheid”. And let’s not forget the “deep pockets” claim, ignoring how the four richest people in the world are gentiles!

Antisemitism’s up 400%. I remember BDS using the Palestinian cause to stamp stickers on Sabra hummus, a brand that isn’t even Israeli. I remember how they forced a SodaStream plant out of business, putting innocent Palestinians out of work, then complained that it wasn’t enough. And I remember how every time I pointed out Hamas’s abuses of Palestinians, I was “moving the goalposts”.

Antisemitism’s up 400%. I’ve been accused of being a Christian Evangelist for criticizing the Democratic Socialists’ platform on Israel, among other labels. That shows how little people actually know me.

Antisemitism’s up 400%. The words used to describe me have been various and unflattering. I’ve been called a “Zionazi”, “IDF scum” and “a libcuck”. I’ve been told how I’m “pro-war” for recognizing that Israel has a military out of necessity, ignoring how torn I am on The IDF. I’ve been deemed a “racist” for mentioning the flaws in The BDS timeline of Israel, been yelled at for calling “from river to sea” a blood libel against Jews and a “whataboutism liar” for stating that there’s been a Jewish presence in Israel for millennia. I’ve had to request that Israel not be brought up in some circles, lest it make everyone angry.

Antisemitism’s up 400%. And it’s boiled over. Instagram posts have called Israelis “Nazis” and have deleted calls for unity. On Twitter, people invoked Hitler’s name and received plenty of praise, while Tweets calling peace have received vitriol and contempt. On TikTok, Holocaust survivors have seen comments like “Happy Holocaust” for wishing people Shabbat Shalom. How does this help anyone?

Antisemitism’s up 400%. In the past two weeks, two Jews in my community were attacked for being Jewish. In London, a Rabbi was run over by a car, while an innocent Jew was attacked by a bystander. In The US, a man was attacked in New York City by someone threatening to do it again, while Jews in LA and Boca Raton were shouted at on the streets. Synagogues have been spray-painted with Nazi graffiti, and Jewish stores have been vandalized. And when these incidents were addressed, people have either used Palestinians as leverage, or tokenized Jews to hand-wave it all as “Hasbara propaganda”.

Antisemitism’s up 400%. Yet news outlets and satirical commentators have laid the blame largely on one side, omitting context and ignoring the damage this causes. And when Jews have been attacked for it, they’ve denied accountability.

Antisemitism’s up 400%. And when Jews have shared their experiences, they’ve been gaslit.

Antisemitism’s up 400%. But it’s “only about Israel”.

Antisemitism’s up 400%. But it’s “only about anti-Zionism”.

Antisemitism’s up 400%. But it’s “not personal”. You think I’m that naïve? You really think I can’t tell when you don’t care? You think that when I hear “Jewish” and “white colonizer” in the same sentence, it doesn’t rile-up my non-Ashkenazi brothers and sisters? All of this has spillover, after all! Because Antisemitism’s up 400%.

And that worries me. It makes me afraid. It makes me realize that I can’t be one of you. You’re supposed to be my friends, my “allies”. So why am I scared of you?

Antisemitism’s up 400%. I’m done. I’m tired. I’m exhausted. You can say whatever you want, but I won’t be your punching bag. You’re good at pissing me off, and you deserve every bit of scorn for demanding I stand up for every injustice that isn’t my own.

Why? Because Antisemitism’s up 400%. That’s not okay. It shows you don’t care. And it shows that you’re great at detecting Antisemitism only when it isn’t yours. Do better.

I’ll end this with a note: there’s been a trend, in the past week, for Jews to replace their profiles with blue patches or squares. While I don’t agree with this, I recognize their frustration. If true equity’s to take place, if racism’s to be eradicated, then Jews must be respected. That includes listening to them when it’s uncomfortable. Because Antisemitism’s up 400%.

Never forget.

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