Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Vivian's Coming Out

In my Infinite Rainy Day days, I wrote about a then-circulating discourse over Samus Aran being trans. I won’t get into why I scrapped it, but I was mean-spirited in hindsight. I argued that even if Samus was trans, that was neither relevant nor important in the grand scheme. I not only unintentionally gaslit the trans community, I was being incredibly transphobic. And I’m sorry.

I mention this because the remake of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door’s right around the corner. Specifically, because of the recent confirmation in the translation that one of the characters is trans. This is actually a correction of the GameCube original’s script, highlighting the difference in attitudes over the last 20 years. It’s big. It clarifies why the character in question, Vivian, was treated badly by her sisters: it wasn’t simply that she was “weak”, but rather that they were transphobic.

This is a huge deal! For one, Vivian’s design and personality make more sense as a recently-transitioned woman who isn’t accepted by her family. Transitioning’s challenging for family members because it requires reframing their relationship to their trans relative. And often, perhaps too often, it leads to denial or rejection, to the shock and dejection of the individual. In some cases, it even leads to ostracizing, violence, self-harm and suicide. Simply look at news stories and statistics.

Negativity aside, consider it a win for trans people. Queer representation in media, particularly Japanese media, has a long way to go to achieve equity, something reflected in longstanding attitudes about those on the LGBTQ+ spectrum. I’m no expert on Japanese politics, but I know queerness is still more taboo there than here. We see this with how queer characters in Japanese media are either thought of as “romantically transitioning” to heteronormativity, or openly shafted. With transness, they’re even forced to “re-embrace” their original gender. It’s something that’s, fortunately, changing now, but the wheels of progress turn slowly…

Nintendo of Japan’s also more openly accepting of queer folk than many companies, even making international headlines. Having Vivian be trans is another example of this, and that the game she’s in doesn’t shy away from that is admirable. Doubly-so that it’s in the English translation, as transness isn’t quite as taboo here. Plus, it explains why her sisters are cold and nasty to her.

While this is a win for queerness, the crowd having the hardest time is Western gaming. Ever since Vivian was confirmed as trans, the community, particularly those “against censorship”, has had a meltdown. This includes comments and videos calling it “lies”, saying that Vivian “was never trans”. Ignoring the inconsistency and insincerity, this is sad. It’d also be funny if it weren’t maddening: you can handle a female character being overly-sexualized, but if she embraces something outside the norm it’s “bad”? Are you 12?

Perhaps I’m projecting, but this reeks of GamerGate’s leftovers. I won’t repeat all my thoughts, but that GamerGate’s stench can be smelled here is upsetting. This movement made three women into martyrs despite their personal politics, and all because they didn’t cave to misogyny. This same movement made an underaged stock avatar their mascot, and it made life a nightmare for anyone who criticized them. GamerGate also lost me many friends. I don’t need a reminder of that.

Besides, what’s wrong with Vivian being trans? This isn’t a head-canon decision, it’s fact. Vivian’s not only trans, she’s openly mocked for it. It’s a part of her identity and character arc, and it makes her who she is. That’s intellectual honesty.

I’m not even sure what’s gained here. The game’s coming out soon, and the script’s been translated by Nintendo. Vivian being trans was the original intent. You want to argue with Nintendo? You’re wasting time and energy.

Assuming this really does bother people, the GameCube version also exists. You know, the one that gamers hold dearly? It might be hard to track down now, and also expensive, but snagging a copy isn’t impossible. I even bought one on eBay a few years ago. Since gamers love shelling out money for obscure titles, why not do that instead?

This doesn’t help video games be taken seriously as a hobby, either. I’d argue they already were, but part of having the industry be recognized means it isn’t exempt from tackling real-world issues. If anything, refusing to makes the art-form look childish. And is that what we want? Will that solve anything?

I know this is a shock to many people who grew up with the GameCube version. It’s not my favourite entry in the franchise, that’s still the N64 game, but even I appreciate why the game’s well-loved! Though is Vivian being canonically-trans a dealbreaker? Because if so, I have to wonder if you really love the game. Especially when this version has a more accurate script.

Besides, Vivian’s transness isn’t even the biggest issue worth addressing. If I had it my way, the game wouldn’t joke about Princess Peach stripping. Or have Madame Flurrie’s physique be a punchline for fatphobia. Or have Mario the butt of unwanted affection from the female characters. These aspects most-likely haven’t been removed, so it’s strange that an actually-positive change is getting all of the attention.

Whatever, it’s not worth getting upset. Especially when there’s a new Switch game to look forward to!


  1. While the dominant culture in much of the west has recently decided to elevate transsexualism as a noble and worthy life path, the sad reality is that transsexualism is a path littered with death, despair, disability and sterility. I understand the desire to be empathetic with those who suffer from discomfort with themselves, but when empathy is corrupted no-one is better off. The only people who benefit from transsexualism are the butcher doctors who carve these children and confused adults up and the pharmaceutical companies who make much more $ from transsexualism than from standard problems. By making a major character in a children's game transsexual, Nintendo is participating in the promotion of a deeply harmful movement. Children are especially vulnerable to the predators of the transsexual movement so it is especially disappointing that Nintendo did not remove this error in the remake of children's game.

    1. I'm sorry, did you just refer to this as "transsexualism"?

    2. Trans people exist, have existed since the dawn of time, and will continue to exist up until the day the Sun consumes the Earth. Quit spewing bigotry through your own ignorance.

    3. Unfortunately, I don't think using reason is going to work here. Though I definitely agree...


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