Tuesday, September 3, 2024

A Poisonous Apple

Snow White’s most-likely doomed to fail. Not only is it another live-action Disney remake, it also looks unappealing visually and stylistically. This doesn’t include the bizarre press tour, in which facets of the original were chastised without context. And then there are the behind-the-scenes scandals. Those alone are enough to ruin the end-result!

But that’s not what I want to talk about. I’d like to dissect the criticism for the leads. Specifically, their politics, as well as how they’ve been tainting the conversation. More-specifically, I’d like to zoom-in on one issue. There’s no beating around the bush, let’s talk about Gaza…again.

For those living under a rock, on October 7th, 2023, waves of Hamas insurgents infiltrated Israel, murdered 1200 civilians, wounded 3000 more and took over 250 people as hostages. In the nearly 11 months since, a war between Israel and Gaza has occurred. I know everyone and their dad has an opinion, but I ask that you save it. This is merely a backdrop for the piece. Moving on.

When the most-recent trailer for Snow White was revealed at D23, the reactions were mixed. In particular, Gal Gadot, who plays the Queen, and Rachel Zegler, who plays Snow White, received plenty of bigoted attacks. It didn’t help that Zelger made a comment about freeing Palestine in the comments, which went as well as you’d expect. It also prompted attacks on Gadot for her Israeli background, especially given her outspokenness about October 7th. Joy!

Firstly, do people have nothing better to do than make everything political football? Ignoring how human lives are at stake, progressives are showing that they’re equally as toxic as the Neo-Nazis they deride. It’s bad enough that I can’t watch a trailer to something that doesn’t interest me without people getting mad over who’s in it. It’s also the wrong place for having a conversation about Israel-Palestine.

Secondly, leave Gal Gadot alone! I get it: she’s Israeli. So what? Plenty of people are Israelis, some of whom we aren’t even aware are. And as for promoting awareness of October 7th? That that bothers so many people says more about them than her.

Thirdly, quit bothering Rachel Zegler! Poorly-timed statement aside, it’s also not unexpected. Many high-profile celebrities have been outspoken about the Gaza for different reasons, some of which are sympathetic. Yes, those bloody hands pins from this year’s Oscars were tone-deaf, especially given the context behind that symbolism, but not everyone who wants a ceasefire and/or Palestinian self-determinism’s an awful human being. Contrary to popular opinion, many people in Israel want that too. There’ve even been protests over how badly the war’s been handled.

And fourthly, why’s Gadot as the Queen symbolic of something? Her casting most-likely had less to do with her politics than someone thinking she was perfect for the role. There’s no hidden agenda. But if you think there’s a deeper meaning behind the coding of the Queen and Snow White, then I have bad news to deliver. It’s not something you’re going to like:

The Queen in the original film’s coded in Antisemitism.

This isn’t a shocking revelation, especially given who Walt Disney was. You know how the Queen’s vain, craves Snow White’s purity and disguises herself as an old hag to poison her? Like Mother Gothel in Tangled, leeching off the beauty of a white innocent is a typically Antisemitic trope. Even the hag’s appearance, complete with a wart and a hooked nose, is Antisemitism! That’s not to downplay Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, it’s a classic for a reason, but coding’s coding.

In a way, Gadot being cast as the character might actually be her reclaiming her for the Jews. I’d still prefer this remake not exist, but I take wins when they happen. Even outside of that, to assume there’s a “hidden agenda” involving a Jewish villainess terrorizing a Latina heroine, especially considering Disney’s attempt at DEI with their recent casting, says, again, more of those espousing the claim than Gadot or Disney. Essentially, grow up.

I’m tired of Israeli-Palestinian discourse seeping in where it doesn’t belong. It’s bad enough that Antisemitism and Islamophobia have gotten out of control since the war started, as that’s had real consequences for Jews and Muslims everywhere. I can’t go outside for long stretches of time now without covering my kippah with a hat. I’d rather not have to, as I live in a predominantly-Jewish neighbourhood, but I don’t want to draw attention. Especially when I see all of kinds of attacks on Jews, direct and indirect, whenever I leave my neighbourhood.

The people spreading vitriol in real life are the same ones poisoning the trailer for Snow White with their comments. They might be a minority, but vocal minorities often ruin everything anyway. Besides, what does this accomplish? Gal Gadot and Rachel Zegler probably don’t care, Gadot specifically because of her background. And that they can put aside their differences long enough to work together speaks louder than anything you can say about them.

Look, I know that the Gaza conflict’s upsetting. It’s upsetting for me too! But that doesn’t give you carte blanche to be bigoted to others, even if you don’t like their country of origin. All that does is make you a moron. It also doesn’t free Palestine. I’m sorry to tell you that.

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