Sunday, October 22, 2023

Paging Wendee Lee!

Like Tara Strong, I’m a huge fan of Wendee Lee’s work in animation. Like Tara Strong, Wendee Lee’s voiced some of my favourite characters. Like Tara Strong, Wendee Lee has amazing vocal range. And like Tara Strong, Wendee Lee’s in hot water. Oh dear…

I’ve never gotten into Bleach. I’ve seen bits and pieces online over the years, but it’s never captivated me. That said, it has impressive voice work, with some of the anime dubbing industry’s best having lent their pipes. So it pains me what I’m about to discuss. I should only be so blessed, right?

It was recently revealed that Anairis Quiñones was ousted from her stint as Yoruichi in Bleach. Despite being well-received, the role was returned to the previous VA, Wendee Lee. Quiñones took to social media to make the announcement and thank everyone, specifically mentioning that she harboured no ill-will against anyone involved. Naturally, she received plenty of support from fans and fellow VAs. And this is where it gets muddy.

Let’s address the elephant in the room: I’m sure Quiñones being a mixed-racial woman had something to do with this decision. It’s speculation, but considering her initial announcement as the character caused uproar among purists, I wouldn’t hold it past her employers. Especially since Otakudom has a racism problem. It sucks, but I stand by what I’ve said here.

Complicating matters is the second part, which underscores the first. Wendee Lee took the time to express her thoughts on social media under every VA’s response to Quiñones. And she did so with a passive-aggressive response that amounted to “I’m surprised you feel this way”. Essentially, Lee was being defensive. Not of Quiñones being removed, but of people being disappointed.

Here's where I have to ask: Wendee, why are you doing this? Why are you repeatedly expressing your displeasure in a terse way? Why are you being me when I was a teenager, trying to subtly-but-not-so-subtly guilt people? And yes, I called this a teenager’s response. Because I see teenagers behave this way when they’re frustrated.

Now for my next question: why are you so offended? You’ve had plenty of voiceover roles in the past. You were TK, Faye Valentine and Haruhi Suzumiya and so many others. You even got to voice Yoruichi! Meanwhile, Quiñones is a rising star with not nearly as many roles. Considering she spoke highly of you as a VA director, shouldn’t you be more sympathetic? Shouldn’t you be more supportive, too?

I don’t know if Lee will read this. She probably won’t, knowing how she’s been behaving. But that doesn’t absolve her of criticism, as her reaction is really petty. It also doesn’t help clear her of any potential motives, something I, again, can’t verify. Not to mention, given how much past work she’s had, it makes her selfish.

It also speaks to a bigger issue at play. I know we’re supposed to be sympathetic to actors because of the SAG-AFTRA strike, and I am, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t real problems. One of these, unfortunately, is racially-motivated competition and jealousy in casting. Simply put, a white person has a larger chance of being cast in a big role than a minority, even when not suited for the role. This is also true of animation, where the lines are blurrier because the voice is what matters. And even though dubbing anime is even stickier, as someone from another country was meant for the role, when an opportunity for accurate representation pops up, it should be seized.

This is what bugs me about Quiñones’s situation, particularly Lee’s response. Lee losing one role isn’t a huge deal. She’s in her 60’s, and she’s been acting for decades. She can give up a high-profile character to a newcomer, and she can afford to do it with grace. Quiñones doesn’t have that luxury, being newer to the industry, and acting entitled doesn’t make Lee look sympathetic.

Additionally, Lee passive-aggressively responding to every VA who’s expressed concerns is a good way to burn bridges. Remember, Wendee Lee’s been around for decades. She has credibility and a large network. By harassing people for not standing by her, she’s not doing herself favours. If anything, she could potentially be blacklisting herself from future projects! Does she really want that?

Okay, “blacklisting” might be a little idealistic. Plenty of actors, VAs included, have done worse, and they still have careers. Lee might not be acting professionally, but she’ll most-likely still have a career because she’s white and has influence. And if she wanted to really be petty, she could be the one doing the blacklisting! But that’s something I’d rather not think about…

I get it: voice-work’s cut-throat and emotional, and it’s not uncommon for VAs to get attached to their characters. Wendee Lee’s also human. And it’s not like she’s pulled a Tara Strong or a Chuck Huber and ruined her career entirely with bigotry. But that doesn’t excuse her cattiness, nor does it excuse her belittling people who sympathize with Quiñones. And while it’s not my place to police her behaviour, I still think that Lee should introspect and apologize. Not only will she feel better long-term, but so will everyone else.

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