Sunday, May 5, 2024

The Omega Factor

The Clones are more interesting than the Jedi.

This was my sentiment post-Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Even with their occasional moments to shine in the Tartakovsky miniseries and Prequels, there were millions of them, and they acted and thought like human beings. It made sense that they’d have unique personalities, something I’m glad was elaborated on. Little did I know, however, that Clone Force 99 wouldn’t only become my favourite unit, but also warrant a spin-off series. That’s exactly what Star Wars: The Bad Batch was.

There are many ways to discuss my thoughts on this show: it’s a worthy successor to Star Wars: The Clone Wars and a nice tie-in to Star Wars Rebels. It’s more focused than both shows. Crosshair’s my favourite member of Clone Force 99. The final scene’s bittersweet in an uplifting way, a full-180 from Star Wars: The Clone Wars’s ending. Instead, I’ll zone-in on something I’d have never expected until suggested by the show: is Omega Force sensitive?

It's strange at first glance that the child character would be a Force wielder; after all, not only is she a full-on clone variant of Jango Fett, but Clones had never been canonically-Force sensitive prior. Still, like Asajj Ventress mentions, there are millions of Clones, so it’s not impossible. Omega even has a high M-count, so the show hinted at it before the curtain was pulled back. But is Omega, the preteen who’s the heart and soul for her gruffer brothers, capable of Force sensitivity? And would that make her a Jedi? It’s left open-ended.

Personally, I’d be down with this. Novelty of a Clone wielding a lightsaber aside, Ahsoka confirmed that Sabine Wren is Force sensitive in its Season 1 finale. And Omega’s revelation isn’t as forced as Sabine’s, having time to breathe while not smacking you in the face. Plus, Omega’s around the right age to be a Padawan, even if the exact number isn’t stated. So why not?

Omega being a Jedi would be a really neat concept. It’d also raise questions that’d expand the franchise in clever ways. For example, how does a Clone become Force sensitive? If the Sith influence Midichlorians to create life, was Omega’s Force sensitivity the result of Darth Sidious manipulating Jango Fett’s DNA? Did he plan for Omega to be his Plan B should Anakin not fall to The Dark Side? And did all the Kaminoans know, or only Nala Se?

None of these questions are answered, but, unlike Snoke’s existence, they don’t need to be. Star Wars is science-fantasy, and it’s also an enhanced D&D campaign. So much retconning occurs as lore’s retroactively grafted onto pre-existing lore that a Clone being Force sensitive isn’t that strange. Nor is it out of place given what The Force is capable of. Either way, I welcome Omega being Force sensitive. Like Grogu and Din Djarin, it’d be new territory for a franchise that’s risk-averse.

It also opens up superficial possibilities: would Omega have a blue lightsaber, a green lightsaber, or a purple lightsaber? Would she wield two lightsabers, or one? Would her robes be the standard grey and brown, or a different colour? Would she even wear robes? And how would she wield a lightsaber?

Going further, would Omega gain a Padawan of her own? Would it be one of the Force sensitive children she was locked up with on Tantiss? How quickly would she progress? And would she join Luke Skywalker’s new Jedi Academy, or go solo? There’s so much to work with since she was created for this show, thereby lacking the plot armour of Rex or Ahsoka. Most-importantly, it’d be great to see a newcomer become a Jedi naturally, like how Luke did in the original films.

I’m excited by a female Clone being Force sensitive. Ever since The EU was retconned by Disney, Star Wars fans have clamoured for that gaping hole to be filled. Force sensitive Clones was one idea that appeared to not survive the purge. Having it brought back, assuming Disney goes through with it, would be a step in the right direction. It’d also be cool.

I’m not one to shy away from being a contrarian amongst Star Wars fans. I liked the Disney Star Wars movies, and I thought The Prequels were enjoyable. I also thought Luke defeating Darktroopers in The Mandalorian singlehandedly added nothing to his character. And Andor bored me because of its pacing. Omega being Force sensitive is something I can get behind without attracting too much negative attention. I could be wrong, Star Wars fans are notoriously toxic, but I’ll chance it. I have nothing to lose.

In the end, there’s potential with Omega should she prove Force sensitive. She’s already well-loved, being the Grogu of Star Wars: The Bad Batch, and she’s capable even without The Force. It’d also clear up why she was a valuable asset to The Empire, as Palpatine had been kidnapping Force sensitive children to train as assassins. If anything, making Omega non-Force sensitive, in contrast to Sabine, would be a complete cop-out. But I’ve been let down before…

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